Women's history month?
From this point on, March is going to be Women's History Month. George Bush came out with a press release about it yesterday. Read it on the wonkette.
I played at the Underground again last night. I'm becoming a big fan of some of the other musicians --- their songs replay in my head long after I've left the bar in a fuzzy 2 a.m. wooze. Dan Slobak is one of my favorites, and I really like the guy who wore the crazy collared shirt last night... and the two girls... I need to improve my name-retention skills, methinks.
Lloyd of Keygrip fame came over two days ago to help me make a demo. Apparently crappy demos can cost upwards of $500. Lloyd is giving me mine for the price of approximately five lattes at Starbucks. Who could ask for anything more? Once I have songs that are streamable, I'll put some on my blog.
Speaking of technological advancements that seem to come easy for everyone but me, I am working on a website. The address is www.jennyweiss.net. I'd appreciate any and all advice as I continue to build it, brick by brick.
facinating t-shirts and custom t-shirts that are really cool.
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