Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Women's history month?

Should journalists be allowed to blog? Donate money to political parties? Some employers don't think so. Some don't even let them. How much freedom is "too much" in the industry? Read a good story about that here.

From this point on, March is going to be Women's History Month. George Bush came out with a press release about it yesterday. Read it on the wonkette.

I played at the Underground again last night. I'm becoming a big fan of some of the other musicians --- their songs replay in my head long after I've left the bar in a fuzzy 2 a.m. wooze. Dan Slobak is one of my favorites, and I really like the guy who wore the crazy collared shirt last night... and the two girls... I need to improve my name-retention skills, methinks.

Lloyd of Keygrip fame came over two days ago to help me make a demo. Apparently crappy demos can cost upwards of $500. Lloyd is giving me mine for the price of approximately five lattes at Starbucks. Who could ask for anything more? Once I have songs that are streamable, I'll put some on my blog.

Speaking of technological advancements that seem to come easy for everyone but me, I am working on a website. The address is I'd appreciate any and all advice as I continue to build it, brick by brick.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

facinating t-shirts and custom t-shirts that are really cool.

10:05 AM  

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